Sunday, September 23, 2018

I have been reviewing an old journal I kept when I was young. The entries I came across today remind me of who God is and how faithful He is when we trust Him and praise Him even in our ailments. I hope this encourages you today as it has me.

These two entries were when I was going through a particularly painful illness. I started praising God and... well the same-day results are recorded here:

Praise the God of triumph forever, who triumphs over all His enemies; both small and great! Thank You, oh God my refuge, for counting me worthy of the test.
Though my head feels split like an ax, though cold chills disturb my comfort, though my stomach ales me, I will not stop praising my God; who has been merciful and kind to me and who washed my dirty garments whiter than snow with His holiness so that I could stand before the throne of God Almighty without fear or trepidation - by His holiness and not mine!
Amen and amen! So it is; so it always will be.

Praise You, oh God my Healer and Protector. When I had no strength, You gave me strength. My joy is steadfast in You, who is bigger than the situation and greater than the circumstances.
Praise You, oh God who has healed my woes and taken my sickness. Thank You, oh God, for Your mercy; that I may even glorify You in my sickness and weakness! For You, oh God, are my strength. And You are my hope when I am troubled. I put my trust NOT in how I feel, but in Christ, my solid Rock!
Amen and amen. So it is; so it always will be.

Friday, September 21, 2018

God My Solid Rock

A journal entry from when I was young:

God, You are my solid Rock in the midst of all chaos. I put my full trust in You. For when I was sick, You saw me through. When I was sinking, You held me fast. When I was down, You held me up. When storms come; when winds blow; when torrents of rain fall; when overwhelming waves crash; when lightning hits; when thunder shakes the very foundations of the earth, You, oh God Almighty, stand fast; immovable; solid; strong; an unbreakable refuge.

When Your people are in You, nothing; no, NOTHING can take them away from You. Nothing can tear them asunder. For You, oh God YHWH, are the solid, immovable Rock in which we can put our trust without doubt. For You will never fail us!
Praise You, God my solid Rock in the midst of all chaos! Praise Your most holy Name! Praise Your Name forever! For Jesus is my strength, manifest in my personal weakness! Jesus is the One in whom I put my trust forever and ever!
So it is; so it always will be. Amen.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018

A Lesson In Praise And Faith And Temptation

An old journal entry I recently came across. It reminds me of lessons I forgot regarding praise, faith, prayer, obedience and temptation. I hope it does the same for you.

Back story: At that time I had no car and walked everywhere. I lived about a 2 hour walk from where I worked. This was written upon my arrival home one October evening....

Praise God on high forever! For You are the giver of strength! You are the giver of tests, and You are the answer! Thank you, oh my wonderful God of deliverance!

I left work praising You. I got outside and got nervous, but I continued to sing praises at the top of my voice to You! I entered a quiet neighborhood, but I let my voice echo in praises to You off of all the buildings; for You gave me the voice to bring glory to You. I approached the busy business district. I continued to sing praises to You for all to see and hear the wonders of God on high; God almighty.
Then I approached a school as it was getting out, and students stared and laughed, but I continued to praise God (who stood boldly for me, so I stood boldly for Him).

Then came the tests.
A voice said to my spirit, “Stop singing. Listen for awhile. Be silent and see what God has to say to you.” It sounded right at first. But then came the Scriptures: “Thy praise shall continually be in my mouth,” “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord,” “Shout to the Lord of hosts,” and so on; so I continued to praise You out loud.
Then my voice got hoarse, and I considered stopping to save my voice for church. But then I remembered that it’s not my voice anyway, but Yours to give or take away as you please. Also, I remembered, I did not sing praise to You at church to show off. So I continued to sing Your praises out loud with a hoarse voice.
The hoarseness went away, then my throat started hurting. At this point, I realized that Satan was trying to stop me from praising the true God out loud, so I sang louder the praises of Jesus the Christ.
The soar throat went away, but then a bee landed on my bare hand. I continued to praise You, who gave the bee life. I was able to swat it off without getting stung; giving me even more to praise You for.

You, oh God of might, never fail Your people, and You dwell in their praises. Thank You, my only worthy God, for letting me bless You with the voice which was Your gift. Thank You,

Father. Thanks be to God forever and ever! Amen!
For YOU are the giver of my strength, Lord Jesus, and You give me the ability to overcome temptation and to praise Your Name. Thank You, God. Thank You, my wonderful Father.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Last Of His Food (True Story)

There was once a pastor of a small congregation in a colonia of Northern Mexico. A colonia is a thrown-together community.

In this particular colonia, there were about five thousand families. They lived in tiny “huts” made of discarded driftwood, ripped tarpaulin, warped and rotted plywood, and whatever else they could find to create some semblance of shelter from the frigid night air and wind. There were no floors; just the dirt itself. There was no electricity or running water. The only water available was in a 50-gallon barrel placed there once a week by the government of a city a few miles away. They placed one barrel every 5 huts or so apart. The community bathroom was a hole in the ground. The average family had 6 children in these little one-room huts, with no mattresses, and sometimes no clothes or just rags for clothes.

Needless to say, this was a very poor colonia. The church building was a large (twenty foot by thirty foot) hut set aside with patchwork benches for pews. So many locals attended the little church, that it was crowded well beyond its walls every day.

The government had been bringing them food rations while the men and women looked for work in the city. But one day, the government cut back the food rations. Children began to starve to death.

Word got to America, and a truck was sent. It arrived at the local pastor’s little hut (which was actually significantly smaller than the truck). The pastor did not know the Americans, nor did he know why they had come, or what was in the truck. He only knew that some American Christians had come to visit his humble home.

The two Americans entered the pastor’s hut, and out of courtesy, the pastor insisted they have some food. All he had was one ration of beans and three tortillas, which he served to the Americans; even though that meant his wife and children would not be eating that day. He trusted YHWH for his supply.

After the small meal in which the two American guests ate the last of the pastor’s food, they led him outside and opened the back of the truck. Inside were five thousand pounds of pinto beans (a valuable and coveted treat in the colonias).

The Americans gave the pastor a year’s supply of this valuable food; this had been the purpose of their coming. It fed that community for weeks to come.

When we give our all to YHWH and trust Him in faith; without seeing the end result, He will bless us in ways we cannot even imagine.

I reiterate that this is a true story expressed as I witnessed it in Colonia El Pipila, just outside of Tijuana, Mexico in November, 1992, just before the Tijuana flood disaster of 1993.

Trust in YWHW. He makes a way when there is no way, and sends help before you ask for it. Just be generous with what he gives you to others, and watch your storehouses overflow.


Too Many Churches In One City

Why does a single city have 200 churches averaging 5 members apiece? Too many heads and too few body parts. Not all pastors are called to preach. Not all teachers or preachers are called to be pastors. Don't get it mixed up. Pastors need preachers and teachers. Preachers and teachers need pastors. Many need to humble themselves and stop being the head and be willing to be a shoulder, elbow, knee, groin, stomach, foot, toe, finger or nose. Many heads need to be willing to delegate and not try to be the arm.

Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine: if all of the divergent 5 to 20 member churches in one city of 200 churches came together as one complete body? Can you imagine if they put their personal doctrines aside to discuss Scripture together, whether or not they agree, and love each other anyway under one head with many teachers and preachers? Can you imagine then how it would free up so many preachers to go into the street to share the Gospel? Can you imagine how it would free their families to show love to the poor in the city?
Can you imagine what would happen to a city with that kind of unified church body?

Just that city would change the world.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Bless My Pastor

Thank You, God! Thank You, Lord Jesus, the Savior of my soul! Bless my pastor. Guide him and don’t let his words fall on deaf ears. Show him Your ways and Your grace, that he may be an arrow pointing straight to You and Your kingdom.

Bless his eyes to read Your Word. Bless his mind to comprehend. Bless his mouth to speak Your thoughts. Bless his hands to do Your work. Bless his feet to walk with You in Your most holy light. Bless his heart to express Your love.

Bless my brother, Your servant. Knock his socks off with Your awesome blessings, Lord! Please make his load light and his burden easy.

Bless Your servant, Lord. Thank You, Oh Lord! I love You and always will; for You give my pastor his strength. Your love and grace are beyond compare! Thank you! Thank You, Jesus!


Monday, September 10, 2018

Happy Yom Taruah

Shalom Yom Taruah!

Happy Day of Blasts!

L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu V'taihatem!

May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Worrying does not solve anything.
Prayer does.

"As Christians, we must be dependent. We have to reject the idle of self-sufficiency."
-Pastor Dave Clark, Living Hope Neighborhood Church-

This morning at church, we were looking at the behavior of the early church in the Book of Acts. Prayer was a way of life for them.

When waiting for the Holy Spirit, they were praying "in one accord". When they faced persecution, they were praying. When Peter was arrested, they were "praying fervently" (and an angel came and got him out of prison). When the Greek widows asked for food, they prayed and fasted over who should be selected to serve them as Deacons.

You will see this habit consistent for any body in the Scripture that actually saw things get done.

We need to pray. We need to pray together. We need to pray separately. We need to pray for each other. We need to ask for prayer from each other (I am not talking FB posts either - I mean IN PERSON with your neighbors, friends, community and church).

I have a personal testimony on this matter:

In 1994, I was a student at Youth With A Mission (YWAM)'s Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Lindale, Texas.

There was a local church in Tyler, Texas (I do not remember the name) that also had a large private Christian school.

Kip Gaines, the leader of our particular class, told us that the school administration had asked for prayer. The students were out of control - fights, sex, drugs, truancy, insubordination and even gangs.

Kip told us we would be going to the school that coming Saturday to pray over it for 6 hours.

We did. Our entire DTS showed up (I think it was a couple hundred students altogether. but do not remember the actual numbers), and we prayed, and prayed, and prayed. Some of us did "Jericho walks" around the campus, some went classroom to classroom, some went chair to chair, some prayed over the lockers and the walls and even the closets and gymnasium and playgrounds and sports fields. All of us prayed separately in our own ways, walking around and praying as the Ruach haKadosh (Holy Spirit) led.

At some point during this, a couple dozen of the school faculty showed up, and we gathered in the gymnasium and prayed for them for a couple of hours. We did not ask what they wanted prayed for. We just prayed.

There were many tears flowing and there was much humility and bowing before God.

When the time came, we all returned to our campus.

A few days later, Mr. Gaines told us that he had heard from the school board that upon arrival on Monday, the students broke down and cried. They confessed sins, forgave, hugged, apologized, repented and gave up their wickedness. My understanding is that it was over a thousands students, but my memory could be wrong on the numbers (It has been 24 years since then).

Of course we praised God for His miracle.

I had forgotten this event. Life went on, and for some reason, this event never came to mind in the years following - until this morning.

As my pastor was going into the need and power of prayer, I remembered this event. And it was a witness to me of how God works through us when we come together as one.

So now I will say this:

It can not be overstated how much God can do when we join as one in prayer for a single purpose.

I challenge each of you to take this today with you and put it into action. When you go to your church, ask a large group of people there to stop and pray for each other. Don't ask what is needed - let God show each person. Each person - take ten minutes and pray for a person near them (You join in too of course). THEN, ask them to continue praying for that person at least 3 times each day through the week, and then to do it again the next week with a different person, and you get more people into this prayer movement

If your church becomes a praying church - nothing in this world can stop its testimony. Make your church a praying church. Start now. Get off of Facebook and pray now for the person you like the least, and pray that God BLESSES that person so that they can see His mercy and know His love.

Happy Sabbath.


Pray. Now.

Have you prayed for someone else today? If not, get off of your internet device and do so.

If so, do so again when you log off.

There is power in prayer. Believe Him.


Sunday, September 2, 2018

Eyes are sometimes slowly opened to the strength and depth of the grace and love of the eternal God. In my short life, although He spent years opening my eyes, I have seen people thrice my age who know a lot, but do not know HIM. To know God is to love Him. It is inconceivable to me that a human being can really open themselves up and get to know God without their heart totally turning towards him in gratefulness, appreciation and love.

All who truly love know God, but until one meets God Himself, it is impossible to truly understand what real love is.

I was once an ignorant fool, wise in the ways of “love and romance”, writing poetry that touched hearts far away. But then I met God, and learned of a love far beyond any that could ever be expressed by pen or mere words. And this love, which I now know well, has nothing at all to do with anything I could ever or have ever said or done, but is totally without drawback or condition.

I have now learned to love this way too, as it rubs off on me. This, in some ways, has been to my detriment. Although it automatically opens doors to share what God shared with me, it also opens doors for others to want to love me as I love (which is simply God’s love).

The difficulty in this is directing their love to others and letting them see God and not me, so that they too could truly share and enjoy God’s love.

Whatever the case, I am eternally grateful to God.

Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. But is it always so? Yes, one man’s junk may be another man’s gem, but is it possible that some things are beautiful in of themselves, that can be appreciated by all, good and bad?

A flower, a beautiful woman, the colors of the sunset, green in Spring, red in Fall, the blue of ocean waves – are they all not beautiful in of themselves?

Would they cease to be beautiful simply because no one sees their beauty? Or are they beautiful already, and then someone comes and notices the beauty?

Or do they gain beauty simply by the eye of the one who sees them as beautiful?

Then is a beautiful woman not beautiful until a man sees her beauty? I think not.

I think that some things are already beautiful, and would be beautiful even if no one ever saw that beauty, and that if every man looked around just a little bit more, every man would see beauty.

Okay, I rarely rant, but here goes a rare rant:

Have you ever noticed that Windows throws these updates at you, with no warning, at the most inconvenient times?

You have twenty minutes to get something typed. You start your laptop, and it starts a 2-hour update so you can get nothing accomplished.

In my opinion, they should send a warning a couple days in advance, so you can plan to start your computer early and still have time to do what you need to on it.

People depend on a reliable computer working as advertised to get stuff done. These unannounced interruptions disrupt people's schedules, lives and in some cases, livelihoods. Especially when the updates happen several times in a month.

The courtesy of an advance warning, I think, is not too much to ask.
